2019 AEU NT elections update: ballot opens 13 September

Nominations for AEU NT Branch Executive and federal positions closed on 21-22 August. Where there are more candidates than the number of positions, a postal ballot will be held. The ballot will open on Friday 13 September for Branch Executive positions (19 September for federal roles) and close on Tuesday 15 October 2019 (17 October for federal).

Contested positions
All eligible members are urged to vote in the elections for these positions. If you don’t receive your ballot paper within a week of the ballot opening, contact the union office or the AEC Returning Officer immediately. All candidates will be given the opportunity to supply a candidate statement and photo and these will be distributed to members prior to the opening of the ballot.

Branch Secretary
There are four candidates for the position of Branch Secretary:

  • Julie Danvers
  • Rachel Helliwell
  • Adam Lampe
  • Michael Pearson

Alice Springs Regional Councillors
Three members are contesting the two Alice Springs Executive Councillor positions:

  • Gillian Furniss
  • Kenneth Guest
  • Pepe Millman

National Early Childhood Committee
Two members are contesting this federal position:

  • Amy Norman
  • Wendy Pelizzo

Uncontested positions
Congratulations to the following members, who have been elected unopposed (subject to a declaration by the Returning Officer).

Darwin Regional Councillors (4)

  • Bruce Cameron
  • Deb Lamb
  • Michael Pearson
  • Melissa Rabar

Palmerston Regional Councillors (3)

  • Ashley Cole
  • Shanelle Lee
  • Rachael Metcalfe

Arnhem Regional Councillors (2)

  • Michael Stimpson
  • Daniel Yore

Katherine Regional Councillors (2)

  • Rachel Jay
  • Candace Loane

Barkly Regional Councillor (1)

  • Michelle Ayres

Federal Conference Delegate (General) (1)

  • Jarvis Ryan

Federal Conference Delegate (TAFE) (1)

  • Richard Johnson

Yalukit Yulendj Committee (1)

  • Cassandra Brown

National Principals Committee (1)

  • Stephen Nimmo

Insufficient nominations
No nominations were received for the following positions:

  • ATSI Federal Conference Delegate
  • Yalukit Yulendj TAFE member
  • National TAFE Council Executive
  • National TAFE Council