Become a member

Union membership is about working together for the collective good of the teaching profession and related educational roles. You, the members, are the union. Elected officials and the office staff work in your interests.

Why join the AEU NT?

Advice & Support

Access to confidential advice from Full-Time Officers and support staff of the union. Our staff come from a combination of educational and industrial backgrounds and are well placed to advise you.

Workplace Advocacy

Support and advocacy at the workplace level through your elected union sub-branch representative.

Strength in Numbers

The AEU is one of the largest and strongest unions in the country, which means better salaries and working conditions for teachers and educators.

Funded Legal Support

Fully funded legal support in more complex matters (where approved by the union's Branch Executive). Every member may request a referral to a lawyer and can request access to an initial, no cost legal appointment.


Up-to-date answers on eligibility, fee schedules, and applications.

Generally, if you work in the education sector in the Northern Territory you can be a member of the AEU NT. View the full list of eligible categories of employment.

Complete the online membership application form.

Prefer a hard copy? Grab one here.

Member fees are in line with salaries for members employed under the current education Enterprise Agreement covering teachers, assistant teachers and non-contract principals.

Generally, if you are a new member and you have an existing issue and would like to access support and representation, you will be asked to pay an upfront entrance fee equivalent to three months of usual union subscription fees. 

This will be calculated at time of joining. 

Contact our office at [email protected] with any questions or to request access to current Membership Subscriptions Policy and Procedures.

The most common reason for resigning is an interstate move or a shift to the Independent or Catholic sectors in the NT.

Resignations must be received by the branch office in writing.

Learn more about Lapsed & Resigned Memberships.