Upskilling & Training

Want to upskill as a unionist? Looking to get more involved? In addition to advice, support and representation, members may access a range of practical training and development forums.

Sub-branch Rep. Training

Are you a new rep looking to build your skills and learn from others? Are you an experienced rep looking for a refresh?

If so, then our in-house sub-branch rep training is for you! We aim to run this training at least once a semester alternating between the Top End and Alice Springs. This training covers a broad range of concepts and skills including:

  • Power, Purpose & Values
  • Sources of Workers’ Rights
  • Role of a Rep
  • Skills for Supporting Members: problem solving, analysing issues
  • Communications: method, purpose, handling objections
  • Industrial Q&A

We also offer a range of workshops at our annual Branch Conference and keep an eye out for online training and development opportunities!

Be a Branch Conference Delegate!

Our annual Branch Conference is your chance to represent your workplace on a Territory-wide scale. 

You don’t need to be a sub-branch rep, you just need to be elected and endorsed by your sub-branch to be the delegate. Conference is the highest-ranking decision-making body of our union, so put your hand up to be an active participant in the democratic process!

Member Activism

The AEU NT might be the smallest AEU branch in the country, but it does not lack for activism opportunities.

From annual International Women’s Day events put on by the City of Darwin and Unions NT, there is always a call to rally around issues of the day and to engage with our public sector and community union comrades.

The Lose the Pay Freeze, Keep Our Teachers is a shining example of what can be achieved when union members across sectors come together for a common cause!

AEU Federal Women’s Conference

Supporting and advocating for women’s rights is part of the AEU’s core business. Women make up 75% of our membership nationally and 88% in the Northern Territory. We advocate and lobby around issues that impact women the most, including family friendly work arrangements, equitable promotion practices and work environments that are free of discrimination and harassment. We are committed to supporting those members who work in casual, contract, and other insecure work because we know that insecure work makes it hard for women to balance work and family life.

The focus of each Federal Women’s Conference is a little different depending on the key issues important to members at the time and the wider political landscape.

Contact our office to be put in touch with the Women’s Officer for more information about events and the elected Women’s Officer role.

What our members have said:

“These women made me feel safe, respected, confident, and ok to show my vulnerabilities as a female educator. Initially, I thought the opportunity to lobby our federal politicians was my privilege, but now I recognise that sharing our stories and our voices is our responsibility as educators and it is the politicians’ privilege to hear from us!”  Michelle Corera, Palmerston & Rural region (2023 political lobbying conference)

“Lobbying for full federal funding of NT public schools was an experience I’ll never forget. Taking the voice of remote Aboriginal communities into the offices of Parliament House was a privilege and an honour.” Holly Supple-Gurruwiwi, Arnhem region (2023 political lobbying conference)

“It was an absolute honour to stand side by side with such amazing women from across the country. I feel I grew a little taller, with pride and empowerment. Amanda Vrymoet, Arnhem region (2023 political lobbying conference)

“As a woman in leadership, hope to inspire and empower the next generation of amazing female teachers. The knowledge I gained from this conference added to my “coat of many pockets” and I was rejuvenated by the stories of strength shared amongst the sisterhood.” Anna Benson, Katherine region (2023 political lobbying conference)

“The depth and breadth of activism around the country and the importance of shared work to continue the fight for parity in the workplace where teaching (as a feminised profession) is valued was my take-away.” Rebecca Kopke-Bennett, Darwin region

“This was a most powerful day for me. It has impacted me not only as an educator but as a woman.” Justina Cross, Darwin region (2021 online conference)

“Women need space to collaborate and talk about the issues they face. In smaller schools it can be difficult to speak up to these issues…it’s vital for women to know that others have similar experiences and the Federal Women’s Conference provides that platform.” Courtney Lynch, Alice Springs region (2021 online conference)

Festival of Teaching

The Festival of Teaching, coordinated by the Professional Teachers’ Association of the NT and Member Associations, is a one-day biennial event that offers educators professional development across the curriculum and all levels of schooling.

Educators make the most of the festival’s professional learning program, including:

  • Two keynote speakers
  • 58 professional learning sessions spanning the curriculum; and
  • Trade displays providing access to educational organisations and resources.

Its goal is to deliver the preeminent professional learning event of the year for NT teachers. 

Contact the branch office if you are interested in being funded to attend.

AEU National New Educators’ Network (NEN) Conference

The annual NEN Conference provides an opportunity for those in their first 5 years of teaching to join early career teacher unionists from all over Australia and the Pacific to discuss the struggles, joys and opportunities that come with being a new educator.

Your first five years of teaching are tough. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or when you began your journey – early career teaching is somewhat of a baptism by fire. Workload pressures, access to support and growth opportunities, challenging student behaviours and high expectations all compound to force many teachers to leave the profession before their first five years are up. If you are an early career educator, we strongly recommend that you keep an eye out for expression of interest info and consider submitting yours!

We thank Teachers Health for their support of this event.

What our members have said:

“It will fuel your fire to both teach effectively and activate your inner union fervour.” Jakob Zarb, Darwin region

“I am passionate about public education, but have learnt that without AEU work, an individual’s passion is just a ripple in the ocean. Collective union work ensures that individual ripples of passion become waves.” Kelby Pointon, Palmerston & Rural region

“I was proud to represent the remote NT and to share the many differences between remote and mainstream conditions with those in other states and territories.” Sharna Richards, Alice Springs region

“It was interesting hearing from interstate delegates about support for early career teachers under their enterprise agreements. Some reported being provided with additional release to meet with mentors and additional funding for professional development. These opportunities are not consistent across Australia, and it was enlightening to learn of these disparities and the role the union can play in helping achieve parity.” Keeva Spencer-Wright, Palmerston & Rural region

Australian Trade Union Institute Courses

From time to time we can offer support for members to attend externally run courses.

The Australian Trade Union Institute (ATUI) is the centre for providing education, collaboration, and research for Australian unions. It is designed by unionists, for unionists.

Powered by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), the ATUI offers flexible study options across a broad range of subject areas, catering to a variety of learners.

In addition to providing education and training, the ATUI acts as a network for sharing ideas and strategies between unions, drawing on the wealth of knowledge and experience across the movement, as well as thought leaders from related fields.

The Institute provides training that meets the real needs of unionists and facilitates collaboration and research that builds the capacity of the movement as a whole.

Contact our office to find out how to apply for financial support to attend a course relevant to your development as a unionist.