Funding For Success

1 in 5 students in NT Public Schools receive NO funding according to student need. The impact of the NT Government's attendance-based 'Effective Enrolment' funding model is felt most strongly by students with the highest levels of need BUT, make no mistake, this is affecting every Territory child in Public Education. The AEU NT is calling on the Commonwealth Government to work with the NT Government to take urgent action to address this and instead fund our public schools for success.

Get Involved

Find My Electorate/MP/MLA

How to identify your NT MLA or Federal MP​.

Write a Letter

Gelp us to get this message across to local and federal politicians by writing a letter. You can do this individually or as a sub-branch.

Our Report

The AEU NT released a report in April that lays bare just some of the many issues with the NT school funding situation. This report tells stories of what it’s like on the ground and sets out a two part agenda for change. This report and its recommendations were endorsed in full by our 2023 Branch Conference.

AEU NT Funding For Success poster.
Download Report (.pdf)

Find My Electorate/MP/MLA

Find my NT MLA

Head to and search for your school to find your electorate.

Then head to and check that against the list of members. This contains contact details for each MLA, as well as details of any Ministry portfolio they may hold.

Find my Federal MP

Head to and enter the name of your school’s suburb to find your federal electorate.

Then head to and click on your electorate to find contact details for your Federal MP. 

Note: There are only two federal electorates in the NT. Solomon (Greater Darwin) and Lingiari (the remainder of the NT).

Write a Letter

Share YOUR Story. Please help us to get this message across to our local and federal politicians by writing them a letter. You can do this individually or as a sub-branch.

Letter content:

Paragraph 1

Identify if you are a public school teacher, staff member, parent, or a concerned citizen.
What community, town, or city do you work in? Why are you writing?

Check here to find out more about the problem facing NT schools (eg. 1 in 5 without funding)

Paragraph 2

Write a first-person anecdote that shows the impact school funding is having on our NT schools. You could include examples of staff shortages, workloads, lack of flexibility, program cuts, class sizes, burnout. If you are a parent you could include observations about your child and/or their peers.

Paragraph 3

Call upon the NT and Commonwealth governments to work together to deliver the following:

  • 100% of the SRS (with all additional going directly into school budgets or staffing)
  • A funding model based on enrolment, developed in consultation with schools and communities
  • An emergency equity package and funding of every enrolled student from the beginning of next year

(Click here to read more about our proposed solution)

Final paragraph

(For NT pollies: consider mentioning that this will be a key election issue next year)
Ask for an individual response.