Privacy Policy

The Union is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which the organisation collects, holds and administers.  Personal information is information which directly or indirectly identifies a person.


The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for the Union dealing with privacy considerations.


The Union collects and administers a range of personal information for the purposes of meeting its objectives.  The organisation is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information it collects, holds and administers.

The Union recognises the essential right of individuals to have their information administered in ways which they would reasonably expect – protected on one hand, and made accessible to them on the other.  These privacy values are reflected in and supported by our core values and philosophies.

The Union is bound by laws which impose specific obligations when it comes to handling information.  The Union has adopted the following principles contained as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information.

The Union will:

  • Collect only information which the organisation requires for its primary function;
  • Ensure that members are informed as to why we collect the information and how we administer the information gathered;
  • Use and disclose personal information only for our primary functions or a directly related purpose, or for another purpose with the person’s consent;
  • Store personal information securely, protecting it from unauthorised access; and
  • Provide members with access to their own information, and the right to seek its correction.


AEU NT Branch


[email protected]


Privacy Policy (PDF)