Member Resources

Membership Fees

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Cost and Eligibility

Am I eligible to join?

If you fall into one of the following categories of employment, you are eligible to be a member of the AEU NT.

NT Government schools, education units and offices
  • All teachers, including senior teachers, specialists, assistant principals, teaching principals and principals
  • Assistant teachers
  • All school support and ancillary staff (except for maintenance and grounds staff, and staff working exclusively in the front office or other admin roles); this includes SESOs, SESAs, preschool assistants and other staff who work in classrooms and support teachers in curriculum delivery
  • Aboriginal and Islander Education Workers (AIEWs)
  • Classroom assistants such as ISAs
  • School counsellors
  • Vocational trainers
  • Teachers and educators working in office-based roles such as curriculum development and consultant positions

TAFE and higher education

  • Vocational lecturers at Charles Darwin University
  • Lecturers and tutors at the Batchelor Insitute (BIITE)

The AEU NT uses a progressive fee structure, meaning members’ fees are based on income. For most members, fees are pegged at 0.88% of annual salary. For other groups of members, fees have been set lower based on factors such as job security and commonly associated life circumstances. AEU NT fees are set by Branch Executive, and changes are generally also approved by our annual Conference.

Download the current fee scale for all details.



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Membership Fees

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