Lapsed & Resigned Memberships
How do I resign my membership?
We’d love for you to stay but understand that there are valid reasons for a member to resign from the AEU NT and that our members have the right to resign at any time.
The most common reason for resigning is an interstate move or a shift to the Independent or Catholic sectors in the NT. We do appreciate knowing the reason for any resignations and will ask if you are comfortable to share yours.
According to our rules, resignations must be received in writing. While we can stop your payments and lapse your membership over the phone, we cannot formally resign your membership this way.
What is the difference between a lapsed and resigned membership?
If your payments with us cease for any reason and no payments have been received for at least 2 months, in the absence of instructions from you, your membership may be lapsed. You can expect to receive an email advising of our intention to lapse your membership, giving you the opportunity to let us know that you’d like to retain it. A lapsed membership means your union membership has passively ceased as opposed to a resigned membership meaning that action has been taken to end it.
For example, you may have moved to an independent sector school and forgotten to tell us. If you are on a Northern Territory Government (NTG) payroll deduction, your payments will therefore cease. After at least 2 months of no union membership payments, you will be sent an email flagging that your membership is at risk of being lapsed.
Are there other options?
Yes! If you are moving into a period of unpaid leave or retiring and want to retain access to advice and support or simply wish to continue your association with the AEU NT, you could consider taking out an Associate Membership. With an annual payment of just $60 this may suit you better than resigning your membership or allowing it to lapse.
For more information and questions specific to your situation please contact our office on 08 89485399 or email [email protected]