AEU Federal and AEU NT Branch Elections open NOW and close 21 August

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Nominations are now open for scheduled elections to fill upcoming AEU Federal and AEU NT Branch vacancies. All terms commence start 2024. Please read each Election Notice and each Nomination Form for details.

Scheduled Election: E2023/74 (AEU NT Branch Executive positions)

Holders of Branch Executive Councillor positions are all elected to a two-year term of office (2024 – 2026). Current positions will be vacated at the end of 2023. The AEU NT regions are:

  • Palmerston and Rural 
  • Darwin 
  • Arnhem 
  • Alice Springs 
  • Katherine
  • Barkly 

Any current financial member working in a region can be nominated for that region’s Executive Councillor position/s. These are important roles where you have the opportunity to represent the members in your region, further the union’s policy aims, participate in governance, planning and organising activities.

The time commitment for Branch Executive consists of ten days throughout the year in face-to-face meetings (two days’ duration each, including both days of our annual Branch Conference) plus four half day Zoom meetings. The union has standing arrangements with the Department of Education so leave can be approved for Executive meetings. This leave is not deducted from any of your leave balances. Travel and any other necessary expenses are covered.

You will also be required to complete an ATUI Union Governance Training course within six months of being elected to a role. Costs will be covered by the AEU NT.

Special Election: E2023/74 (AEU NT Indigenous Councillor)

A special election will be held to fill the office of Executive Councillor representing Indigenous Teachers and Indigenous Education Workers in schools and institutions until the end of 2024 (remainder of current term for this role) due to insufficient nominations received in the previous election (E2022/69).

Scheduled Election: E2023/46 (AEU Federal Conference Delegates, Federal Council and Committee Members)

Nominations now open for AEU Federal positions requiring NT representation.

  • Federal Conference delegate
  • ATSI Federal Conference delegate
  • National TAFE Council Executive Member
  • Yalukit Yulendji (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Committee) General & TAFE division
  • National Principals’ Committee Member from the General Division
  • National Early Childhood Committee Member from the General Division

The AEU Federal Office meets all associated costs of attendance at these meetings. It is important that the NT’s voice is heard on the national AEU stage and we urge any eligible members considering nominating to contact AEU NT Branch President Michelle Ayres for more information.

Don’t miss your opportunity to vote

Please contact us to advise of any details that need updating, particularly your mailing address. The electoral roll has been provided by us to the AEC in accordance with their timelines. If you want to check that you are on it, contact [email protected]. AEC elections are held via paper ballot. If you think your ballot paper is likely to be misdelivered or undeliverable contact us now so we can follow up with the AEC on your behalf. Don’t miss your chance to vote in these important elections!


24/07/2023  – the cut-off date for eligibility to vote ie. if you became a financial member of the union AFTER this date, you are ineligible to vote in either of these elections

31/07/2023  – nominations open for both elections, AEU Federal (E2023/74) and AEU NT Branch (E2023/74)

21/08/2023  – nominations close for both elections – note closing time for AEU Federal (E2023/74) is 5.00pm AEST (4.30pm Territory time). AEU NT Branch (E2023/74) times are given in ACST, Territory time.

28/8/2023 – nomination withdrawal period closes for both elections

28/8/2023 – candidate statements for contested ballots due. Submit directly to Branch Secretary Rachael Metcalfe at [email protected] 

13/09/2023 – postal ballot opens for both elections

11/10/2023 – postal ballot closes for AEU NT Branch (E2023/74)

25/10/2023 – postal ballot closes for AEU Federal (E2023/46)

NOTE: we recommend posting your ballots a week before the closing date to ensure they arrive at the AEC by 10.00am AEDT (NT time: 9.30am) 11/10/23 and 25/10/23 respectively.

Each election has separate official Election Notices and Nomination Forms issued by the AEC.

Please follow the AEC’s guidance around both submitting nominations and voting by the closing date. Please note any relevant timezone differences.

AEU Federal Election (E2023/46)

E2023-46 Election Notice.pdf

E2023-46 Nomination Form.pdf

AEU NT Branch Elections (E2023/74)

E2023-74 – Election Notice (A2983864).pdf

E2023-74 – Nomination form (A2983866).pdf