AEU Federal Election E2023/169


Nominations are called for:

Northern Territory Branch

-Federal Executive Members (General Division) (1)

PLEASE NOTE: Only elected members of the AEU NT Branch Executive are eligible to be nominated and to vote in this election.

It is a statutory requirement for this notice to be displayed on the AEU NT website.

Nominations must be in writing, comply with the registered rules of the Organisation and may be made anytime from 22/1/2024

A nomination form is available for electronic completion on the AEC Portal, However, the nomination form must then be lodged in accordance with the Organisation’s rules.
Additional forms are available from the Returning Officer.
Prospective candidates and nominators should verify their financial status and any other qualifications required by the Organisation’s rules prior to lodging nominations.

Nominations must reach the Returning Officer not later than 5:00pm Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) on 05/02/2024.

Nominations must be signed by 2 financial members and the candidate (who must be a member of Branch Executive).

How to lodge nominations:
By Portal: Australian Electoral Commission Portal,
By Email: A properly completed nomination form including all necessary signatures and attachments may be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to [email protected]
The subject line of your email should include the reference: ADC3U – E2023/169 AEU NT – Nomination [Your Name]

1.Emails to the AEC inbox that appear to be spam may be blocked. It is the responsibility of senders to ensure that their email reaches the AEC before the deadline for nominations.
2.In order to be able to be received by the AEC, emails (including attachments) should be no greater than 6 MB in size.
3.You may call 03 9285 7111 to enquire about the status of your nomination.

Withdrawing Nominations
Nominations cannot be withdrawn after 5:00pm Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) on 12/02/2024.

Candidate Statements
Each candidate may submit a statement in support of the candidature. The candidate statements shall be in a form prescribed by guidelines approved by the Branch Executive. The Branch Secretary or other duly authorised Branch Officer shall be responsible for arranging for the publication of candidate statements.
Statements must reach the Returning Officer via [email protected] not later than 5:00pm Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) on 12/02/2024. Candidate statements should be submitted as a Microsoft word document.

Voting Period
The ballot, if required, will open on 19/02/2024 and close at 10:00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) on 20/03/2024.

The appointment of scrutineers closes 10:00am Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) on 20/03/2024.
A Scrutineer Appointment form is available on the Australian Electoral Commissions website here or from the Returning Officer.

Other Information
Changed Address? Advise the Organisation now.
Please Note: A copy of the AEC’s election report can be obtained from the Organisation or from the Returning Officer after the completion of the election.

Please contact the Branch Secretary on [email protected] with any questions.

Rachael Metcalfe

    Branch Secretary
    Australian Education Union NT