Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying Training to be Held in October

A half-day online training session will be held on 23 October for members to learn about workplace discrimination, harassment, and bullying. Expressions of Interest are due by 25 September.

The AEU NT is offering the following half-day online training package to a maximum of 25 Members on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 from 12.30 – 4.30pm.

Anti-Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying professional development facilitated by the NT Anti-Discrimination Commission:

Come along if you want to:

  • understand the difference between discrimination, harassment and bullying
  • learn how it applies at work
  • help create more safe and inclusive workplaces.


  • Differences between discrimination, harassment, bullying, sexual harassment and victimisation, and what is acceptable behaviour.
  • How to deal with inappropriate behaviour in the workplace.
  • Impact of discrimination on staff well-being and workplace culture.
  • NT Anti-Discrimination Act 1992 and the role of the commission.
  • Your rights and responsibilities; support strategies.

This training is free of charge to our Members. Please email Rachael Metcalfe, Branch Secretary at  [email protected] with your EOI to nominate for this online event by COB Wednesday, 25 September 2024. The AEU NT will liaise with the DoE on behalf of the selected attendees to ensure they have paid release from class to attend.

Should we receive more than 25 nominations, preference will be given to sub branch officials to attend.