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Commercialisation in Public Schooling Research Project

​How much of an impact does commercialisation have in your school?
We invite you to participate in a survey that will gather views, and ...

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New analysis shows poorest schools suffer most from CLP cuts

​A new AEU analysis of schools funding shows huge cuts to public school funding across the Northern Territory, with the very worst cuts in the ...

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Time for a closer look at the merits of DI

Two important reports raise questions about the excessive focus on the Direct Instruction teaching method in a number of remote schools.

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We have a responsibility to stand up for justice

It’s time to rethink our approach to youth crime and break the cycle of despair. As educators we have an important role to play, writes ...

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​Nominations open for Branch Executive positions

Nominations are open as of Friday 22 July for the following positions on the AEU NT Branch Executive: Branch President, Branch Secretary, Vice-President (General), Vice-President ...

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After the election, the Gonski fight continues

The AEU will not let up in our campaign for equitable school funding, writes Federal President Correna Haythorpe
Malcolm Turnbull will remain as Prime ...

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Bringing an end to a long and dedicated career

Former Branch President Nadine Williams has retired from her work as a union official. This is her final report, presented to our 2016 annual conference

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Post-election report and AEU NT response

Earlier this year the AEC conducted an election (E2015/265) on behalf of the AEU NT Branch to fill a vacancy for a Branch Executive Councillor ...

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The code of conduct and political activity

With federal and Territory elections approaching, many members have asked about your right to be involved in political campaigns and express political opinions, and how ...