Congratulations to successful candidates in AEU NT Branch 2016 elections

The 2016 Branch elections are complete. Congratulations to the successful candidates:

  • Jarvis Ryan – President
  • Anita Jonsberg – Secretary
  • Stephen Pelizzo – Vice-President
  • Adam Lampe – Treasurer
  • Rachel Webb – Women’s Officer
  • Cassandra Brown – Indigenous Officer

The successful candidates’ term of office begins in January 2017 and runs for two years, with the exception of the Secretary, whose term of office is three years.

The AEU senior leadership team for the next two years is now settled, and our Executive is united as we head into a big year of enterprise bargaining and campaigning to reverse years of funding cuts to public education.

Thank you to all those who stood as candidates and to our members who took part in the election process by voting.

In compliance with Regulation 141(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009, a copy of the AEC’s Post-Election Report is available to members upon request.