Member Bulletin Number 8 2021

In this bulletin:

  • Milingimbi ICAC investigation
  • Teacher bargaining update
  • Quality Educator Award – only one week left to enter
  • Register now for the Festival of Teaching
  • Branch elections – ballot open until 16 August
  • Tax certificates
  • Darwin Show Day public holiday

Milingimbi ICAC investigation
The Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption NT (ICAC) released the findings of its investigation into the former principal of Milingimbi School on 5 July. You can read our initial response to the release of the findings here. We recommend all members read our response as well as the ICAC statement and understand its implications.

Teacher bargaining update
Bargaining for a new enterprise agreement for teachers and assistant teachers continued during the school holiday break. The respective sides are working through each party’s claims in good faith. To date, productive discussions have occurred on the following topics: security of employment, Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers, probation, early career teachers, union rights, assistant teachers and professional development days.

Because the negotiations are on a without prejudice basis, the outcome of these discussions will not be revealed until a formal offer is made by the Commissioner (this is likely to be no earlier than October, when the current agreement expires). However, based on member feedback from the previous bargaining round, our office will provide more regular updates on the progress of negotiations. You can request an appointment via your workplace rep with union officers for a face-to-face or virtual meeting with your sub-branches to provide more information.

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to read our log of claims.

Quality Educator Award – only one week left to enter
There is only one week left to nominate a fellow member for the AEU NT’s 2021 Quality Educator Award. This is our annual award to recognise one member’s outstanding contribution to NT public education.

The winner will receive a prize valued at $1000 donated by Fleet Network and our intent is to announce the winner at the Festival of Teaching on 28 August.

If you have a colleague who is doing exceptional work, please consider nominating them for this prize. Applicants should address the following criteria with examples that show skill in the following areas:

  • Creates innovative and engaging learning
  • Demonstrates a significant positive impact on students
  • Has a great rapport with parents, students and colleagues

This award is open to all financial members of the AEU NT (with the exception of Branch Executive members) currently working in NT schools or educational facilities.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 30 July 2021. More information and a nomination form are available here

Register now for the Festival of Teaching
The AEU NT Branch is proud to sponsor the fast approaching Festival of Teaching, the NT’s premier professional learning conference for educators.

The Festival of Teaching has 58 sessions on offer that cover a variety of curriculum areas and all stages of schooling. The key details are as follows:

  • Saturday 28 August, Palmerston College 10-12 Campus, Tilston Ave, Palmerston
  • Keynote speakers: Dr Miriam-Rose and Karen Young
  • Early bird tickets close 16/8: $40 PTANT members, $100 non-members

View the program here and register here.

The Festival also provides opportunity to meet with colleagues and organisations. There is something for everyone.

Branch elections – ballot open until 16 August
All financial members should by now have received your postal ballot to vote in the election for the following positions on the AEU NT Branch Executive: Women’s Officer and Indigenous Councillor. The ballot closes 16 August. We also emailed candidate statements to members during the school holidays.

If you have not received your ballot papers or have questions about this election, contact the office ASAP.

Tax certificates
Members were emailed yesterday (21 July) with a statement of your union fees for the 2020-21 financial year. You can use this statement to claim union fees as a deduction when completing your tax return.

Darwin Show Day public holiday
Please note our office will be closed on Friday 23 July for the Darwin Show Day regional public holiday and will reopen on Monday 26 July.

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