
member bulletin square

Member Bulletin: Term 4, Week 10 2023

A final update for the year on recent AEU NT work, issues arising and wins for members around permanency, the continuing myth of 4:21, handling ...

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Member Bulletin: Term 4 2023

AEU NT Member Bulletin Term 4/2023

Read all about our recent wins for members, the teachers workloads review, workplace bullying and harassment PD opportunity for ...


Member Bulletin Number 3 2022: Ballot open now for new teacher EA offer

Click here to read our latest Member Bulletin.

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Member Bulletin Number 14 2021

In this bulletin:
• No employee ballot for teachers this year
• General EA employee ballot going ahead
• Branch Conference 2022 ...

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Member Bulletin Number 13 2021

In this bulletin:
• COVID-19 and mandatory vaccination – updated advice
• 4 years is a long time
• General EA employee ...

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Member Bulletin Number 12 2021

In this bulletin:
• Rallying against the pay freeze; enterprise bargaining update
• COVID-19, mandatory vaccination and our member survey

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Member Bulletin Number 11 2021

In this bulletin:
• Branch Executive elections – deadline to nominate is tomorrow
• Rally against the pay freeze
• COVID restrictions, ...

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Member Bulletin Number 10 2021

In this bulletin:
• Enterprise bargaining update – General agreement offer
• Enterprise bargaining update – teachers
• Rally against the pay ...

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Member Bulletin Number 9 2021

In this bulletin:
• COVID Vaccination leave – paid leave available
• Working from home and quarantine arrangements for school-based staff
• ...