Membership fees proposal

Branch Conference has approved changes to the union’s membership fee structure commencing in 2019. The proposed changes are being circulated to members for feedback before final approval by our Executive.

Our Branch Executive and annual Conference both recently endorsed a proposal to make some changes to categories of membership and the calculation of membership fees from the beginning of 2019. These are minor changes that are not designed to increase union revenue, but rather to: (1) reduce the number of membership categories to make it easier administratively to collect and adjust membership fees; and (2) ensure that membership fees are set at a fair and reasonable level based on a member’s typical financial circumstances.

Before the Branch Executive gives final approval to any changes, the proposal is being circulated to members for feedback. You are welcome to contact the union office with any queries or concerns.

For the vast majority of members – teachers and VET lecturers – there will be no change. Your fees will continue to be pegged at 0.88% of your gross annual salary.


Teachers, VET lecturers and senior administrators
For NTPS teachers (including senior teachers and principals), TAFE members and any members covered by the NTPS General Agreement at A05 level or above, fees will continue to be set at 0.88% of gross annual salary. All membership fees will be capped at a maximum equivalent to ST5 level.

Classroom support staff
For eligible school and classroom support staff (A02-A04), fees will be pegged at 0.88% of the gross salary of an A03 increment 1 employee (current annual fees would be $552* based on salary of $62,773).

Assistant teachers
For NTPS Assistant Teachers, fees will be pegged at 0.44% of an AT1 salary (current annual fees would be $205 based on salary of $46,606).

Relief teachers
For Relief Teachers, fees will be pegged at one quarter of a CT9 salary (current annual fees would be $220 based on CT9 salary of $100,104).

School Council employees
For eligible staff employed by School Councils (ISAs, casual ATs), annual membership shall be set at $100.

Associate members
For Associate members (members on unpaid leave, and those members who have resigned or retired and wish to remain an association with the AEU), fees will be set at 10% of the level of a CT9 (current fees would be $88). Associate members shall enjoy all the same rights as financial members except the right to vote and hold elected positions.

Student members
Student members shall continue to be entitled to Associate membership at no cost.

Pro rata fees
Members employed part-time will continue to be able to pay fees at a fractional rate in line with their employment (e.g. fees to be paid at 50% of the full rate for a member working 0.5).

Paid and unpaid leave
Members on extended paid leave (e.g. study leave, long service leave and parental leave) shall be expected to continue to pay fees at the normal rate. If the leave is at half pay, payments shall be reduced to half the ordinary rate. Members on extended unpaid leave shall be entitled to Associate membership, ensuring they continue to be eligible for assistance from the union office.

Frequency of payments
The preferred method of payment shall be fortnightly via direct debit or payroll deduction. Members shall also be able to pay fees via credit card on a monthly or quarterly basis, or biannually or annually via EFT, credit card, cheque or cash.

Fee increases
Where members’ salaries increase due to increment or pay increases, the union shall continue the existing practice of adjusting members’ fees automatically.

Where fee changes are to apply (with the exception of changes being applied due to increases in members’ salaries), these will not take effect until the beginning of 2019.

Feedback from members on the proposed amendments is welcome and must be directed to the Secretary, Adam Lampe, via our website or on 8948 5399, no later than 19 October 2018.

* All prices are inclusive of GST.