Nominations open for 2016 AEU Arthur Hamilton Award

Many of our members in the NT are doing outstanding work in providing educational opportunities to Indigenous students. If you – or a colleague – are one of those people, have you considered nominating for the Arthur Hamilton Award?

Nominations are now open for the 2016 Arthur Hamilton Award for Outstanding Contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education. This Award commemorates the work of Arthur Hamilton who was active in promoting cross-cultural awareness, recognition of Indigenous peoples and the elimination of racism within the Australian Education Union and in schools.

The Award recognises AEU members who are committed to ensuring that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have the right to high quality public education throughout their lives.

We were very proud to have one of our members, Sally Mackander (pictured above at this year’s Federal Conference in Melbourne), receive the 2015 award, and would love to see more nominations from the NT this year.

Nomination forms and more information can be downloaded from

The closing date for nominations is Friday, 11 November 2016. Applications should not exceed five (5) pages, including supporting/supplementary documents or a maximum of ten (10) minutes if presentation is on video/DVD.

The winner will receive a $1500 prize and will be flown to Melbourne to accept the award at the 2017 AEU Federal Conference. All nominees will receive a certificate from the AEU.