Nominations open for Women’s Officer election

Nominations are open as of Monday 11 March 2019 for the position of Women’s Officer on the AEU NT Branch Executive and will close at 5pm (AEST) Friday 12 April 2019.

Nominations must be in writing, comply with AEU NT Rules and be lodged with the AEC Returning Officer (not the AEU NT), using the nomination form below. The term of office for this position will commence immediately upon the Declaration of this election and conclude in January 2021. An election, if required, will be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission via postal ballot.

The Branch Executive is the AEU NT’s governing body when the annual Branch Conference is not in session. It meets at least six times per years and manages the union’s finances, endorses policies and actions and guides the actions of the union between Branch Conferences. Members of Executive are expected to attend at least six meetings per year, as well as Branch Conference. Release from ordinary duties is arranged where required and, although these positions are unpaid, all costs associated with carrying out the duties of the role are met by the union.

Role Description
The Branch rules state that, “The Women’s Officer shall:
(a) Monitor and promote policies which have specific relevance to women and girls;
(b) Liaise with relevant groups both within and outside the Union;
(c) Provide advice on women’s issues; and
(d) Carry out such other duties as may be determined by Branch Conference or the Branch Executive.”

The Women’s Officer must be a female but may be nominated by any financial member and is elected by all members of the Branch. She will typically attend national meetings at least twice a year and play a lead role in co-ordinating the union’s policies and actions on issues affecting women.

For further information about this election, contact the Branch Secretary, Adam Lampe, on 08 8948 5399, or the AEC Returning Officer, Jacqui Morrissey, on (07) 3049 2132.
