Resignation of Anita Jonsberg as Branch Secretary

Anita Jonsberg has resigned as Secretary of the AEU NT Branch. 

The Branch Executive would like to thank Anita for her countless hours of work in the role of Secretary, and on behalf of the union wishes her all the best in the next stage in her career.

After winning the position of Secretary in October 2014, she directly assisted and advocated for hundreds of members and took the CLP Government to task for its devastating cuts to public education. She did not hesitate in calling out the Department of Education on poor practices and failure to support its employees. 

Anita issued the following message to all members last Friday:

Dear AEU NT members,

I have regretfully resigned from the post of Secretary, AEU NT, effective as of today, 10 March 2017.

I am proud to have served so many of you during my term of office. Every issue I was able to resolve gave my role meaning and became the heart of everything I did. Being able to support you in often very challenging circumstances was the sole reason I nominated for the post in 2014.

However, after a period of reflection, I have concluded that I cannot continue in the role and wish my successor all the best.

I would like to thank those Executive members who have been extremely supportive during my time as an officer of the union, especially Adam Lampe who has consistently provided sound advice and guidance and Nadine Williams, whose example of grass-roots unionism was always inspiring. Executive’s support for the Full-Time Officers is crucial in ensuring the union functions as it should.

Teachers and support staff focus on children and do their best each day for all of them. It is vital that we protect and improve our conditions and resourcing so we can continue to ensure that each child reaches his or her potential. It is also imperative that we protect each other on those occasions things go wrong. Only by standing together can we achieve great things in our schools.

I look forward to catching up with you as a colleague once again in the near future.

With thanks,

Anita Jonsberg

Anita’s resignation means an election will be held for a replacement to serve out the remainder of the Secretary’s current term of office (until January 2020). More information will be provided once we have confirmation from the Australian Electoral Commission of the timeline for the election.