
member bulletin square

Member Bulletin Number 4 2021

In this bulletin:
• Government wants you to accept a 4-year pay freeze
• Enterprise bargaining underway
• Branch Conference – only ...

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Solving the permanency puzzle

New clauses on permanency in the latest teacher agreement give the union extra clout in pushing for permanency for members, writes Branch Secretary Adam Lampe.

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Anger over NT Budget austerity

The NT Government’s budget repair plan puts it on a collision course with the AEU and other unions.

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Member Bulletin Number 5 2018

In this bulletin:
• Teacher EA operational; salary increases and back pay to follow
• Branch elections – voting still open
• ...

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Teacher pay increases finally on the way

The new enterprise agreement for teachers and assistant teachers is operational. Salary increases and back pay will follow soon.

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Member Bulletin Number 4 2018

In this bulletin:
• Approval of teacher EA and backpay
• NAPLAN online debacle
• Branch elections nominations closing soon
• ...

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Surge of support from members for new teacher EA

An overwhelming majority of members has supported the approval of a new EA for teachers.

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Member Bulletin 3 2018 – teacher EA

Member Bulletin 3 of 2018 – our Branch Conference has endorsed a new enterprise agreement for teachers.

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Union members discuss new teachers agreement

The AEU is considering a formal offer from the Commissioner for Public Employment for a new enterprise agreement for teachers.