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Covid fallout will be nasty

Economic devastation from coronavirus will create pressure for wage and job cuts, making strong unions more important than ever, writes Jarvis Ryan.

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Job security: an essential item?

Job security in public education and VET is vital in the post-COVID NT economy, writes Adam Lampe.

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Principals can be activists

Long-time member and principal Stephen Pelizzo writes about combining his principal work with his union activism.

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AO, AO it’s off to work we go

Industrial Officer Mick McCarthy explains conditions for school-based support staff

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Gunner’s statement on schools insults integrity and safety of teaching staff

AEU NT statement in response to Government’s announcement on Term 2 school operations

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Post-election Report for Branch Secretary and Executive Councillors

Earlier this year the AEC conducted an election (E2019/68) on behalf of the AEU NT Branch to elect the Branch Secretary and Branch Executive Councillor ...

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Standing strong to beat the freeze

Principals are standing together in the face of a government pay freeze.

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4.21 and other myths of the schoolyard

What are my hours of work as a teacher? When can I go home for the day? Here is some advice on what your principal ...

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Post-election report and AEU NT response

Earlier this year the AEC conducted an election (E2015/265) on behalf of the AEU NT Branch to fill a vacancy for a Branch Executive Councillor ...