Union members discuss new teachers agreement

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Yesterday the Commissioner for Public Employment contacted all employees covered by the Teacher & Educator 2014-2017 Enterprise Agreement detailing an offer for a new agreement. You can read the offer here.

This offer is the result of months of negotiations between the Commissioner’s office, the Department of Education and your elected AEU representatives.

The offer contains a number of important improvements in working conditions as well as salary increases of 2.5% per annum, which will make our classroom teachers the best-paid in the country.

Our Branch Executive is looking at the detail of the proposed offer, and will make a recommendation to our annual Branch Conference in Darwin this weekend. More than 100 Delegates representing sub-branches and regions across the Territory will examine the draft agreement and discuss whether to endorse or reject the Commissioner’s offer.

From there regional and sub-branch meetings will be organised to discuss the offer with the broader membership. Union officers are preparing a Member Bulletin with more detailed information on the offer which will we publish ASAP.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Commissioner’s letter of offer