2018 Branch Executive elections: nominations open

Nominations are open from Thursday 19 July until 4.30pm (ACST) Tuesday 21 August 2018 for various positions on the AEU NT’s Branch Executive. Nominations must be in writing, comply with AEU Rules and be lodged with the AEC Returning Officer (not the AEU).

Nominations are open for the following positions on Branch Executive:

  • Branch President
  • Vice-President (General Division)
  • Vice-President (TAFE Division)
  • Treasurer
  • Women’s Officer
  • Executive Councillor representing Indigenous teachers and Indigenous education workers
  • Executive Councillor (Katherine)

The Branch Executive is the AEU NT’s governing body when the annual Branch Conference is not in session. It meets at least six times per year and manages the union’s finances, endorses policies and actions, and guides the actions of the union between Branch Conferences. You can find out more about our governing structure here.

Members of Executive are asked to attend at least six meetings of Branch Executive each year, as well as Branch Conference. Release from ordinary duties is arranged where required and, although these positions are unpaid, all costs associated with carrying out the duties of the role are met by the union.

The term of office for all positions is two years, with the successful candidates commencing their terms of office in January 2019. The exception is the Katherine regional Executive Councillor position, which is a casual vacancy. The successful candidate would commence office immediately upon the election being declared and hold office until January 2020.


Branch President
The Branch rules state that, “The Branch President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Branch and shall convene ordinary meetings of Conference and Branch Executive. He/she shall preside at all meetings of Conference and Branch Executive, superintend the discussion of questions tabled for consideration, preserve order so that business may be conducted in due form and with propriety and upon the minutes being confirmed, shall sign them.”

By convention, the Branch President is a full-time officer who along with the Branch Secretary manages the day-to-day affairs of the union and acts as its chief spokesperson.

This is a wide-ranging role that involves travelling to all parts of the Territory to meet with members, politicians, government officials and others. The President acts an advocate for the interests of the union as a whole, as well as handling matters concerning individual members. The President is typically a member of the AEU’s Federal Executive, which meets at least four times a year to co-ordinate the union’s activities at a national level. The President is elected by and from all members of the Branch.

Vice President (General) and Vice-President (TAFE)
The Branch rules state that, “The duties of the Vice-President (General) and the Vice-President (TAFE) shall be to assist the Branch President at all meetings of Branch Conference and the Branch Executive and in the absence of the President, the Vice-President (General) or the Vice-President (TAFE) shall occupy the chair and conduct the business and perform all the duties of the Branch President.”

By convention, the Vice-Presidents act as additional spokespersons for the Branch who assist the President and Secretary as required. The Vice-Presidents are elected by and from their respective divisions.

The Branch rules state that, “The Treasurer shall:
(a) ensure that a detailed account of all money transactions is maintained, have charge and custody of all monies belonging to the Branch, and ensure that all monies received are promptly deposited to the credit of the Branch’s bank account;
(b) attend all meetings of Branch Conference and the Branch Executive and be prepared at all times when required by Conference or the Branch Executive to give a statement of the Branch’s current account; and
(c) oversee all payments on behalf of and receive all moneys due and owing to the Branch.”

As the Treasurer is an honorary position, his or her duties are typically carried out in conjunction with the Branch Secretary and the union’s staff. Per AEU policy, the Treasurer is the chair of the Executive Finance Committee and assists with the preparation of the union’s annual budget. The Treasurer is elected by and from all members of the Branch.

Women’s Officer
The Branch rules state that, “The Women’s Officer shall:
(a) monitor and promote policies which have specific relevance to women and girls;
(b) liaise with relevant groups both within and outside the Union;
(c) provide advice on women’s issues; and
(d) carry out such other duties as may be determined by Branch Conference or the Branch Executive.”

The Women’s Officer must be a female but may be nominated by any financial member and is elected by all members of the Branch. She will typically attend national meetings at least twice a year to co-ordinate the union’s policies and actions on issues affecting women.

Executive Councillor representing Indigenous members
The Indigenous Councillor represents Indigenous teachers and education workers and must be an Indigenous person. The Indigenous Councillor is elected by all members of the Branch. The representative may convene meetings and teleconferences with members as required.

The Indigenous Councillor typically attends national meetings at least twice a year to co-ordinate the union’s policies and actions on issues affecting Indigenous people. The Councillor may convene meetings and teleconferences with Indigenous members as required.

Executive Councillor (Katherine)
The role of regional Executive Councillors is to represent, report and be responsible to the members of their region. The AEU has six regions and each region is allocated a regional Executive Councillor for each 200 members or part thereof. Regional Executive Councillors typically assist in the co-ordination of regional meetings and bring issues concerning members in the region to the attention of Branch Executive.

Regional Executive Councillors must be members of the region they represent and are elected by members of that region.


How to nominate
Should you be interested in nominating for a position and would like more information about what the role entails, contact the Branch Secretary, Adam Lampe, on 08 8948 5399.

Candidates for the positions must fill out and submit the attached nomination form below.

More information
Download the election notice and nomination form.