Member Bulletin Number 2 2019

Australian Education Union logo with map.

In this bulletin:

  • Conference registrations – 2nd and final notice
  • Quality Educator Award
  • Ochre cards
  • Changes to the Teacher Registration Act
  • New-look Territory Educator out now
  • Keep your details up-to-date

Conference registrations – 2nd and final notice
There are just over two weeks to register as a delegate or submit a proposal for our annual Branch Conference. This year’s conference will take place at Knott’s Crossing Resort in Katherine on the May Day weekend (4-5 May).

Every sub-branch is entitled to elect at least one Delegate, whose travel and accommodation costs will be funded by the AEU NT. The deadline for all motions and registrations is Friday 22 March – no applications or business received after this date will be accepted. If sub-branches have not done so already, you are urged to elect delegates and notify the office ASAP by submitting a registration form.

Quality Educator Award
Nominations are now open for the AEU NT’s 2019 Quality Educator Award, an annual award presented at our Branch Conference to recognise one member’s outstanding contribution to NT public education.

The winner will receive a prize valued at $1000, generously donated by Fleet Network. If you have a colleague who is doing exceptional work, please consider nominating them for this prize. Entries must be submitted by Friday 5 April. Download a nomination form here.

Ochre cards
Many schools and members have been affected by delays in Ochre cards being renewed. What took place last Thursday, with many teachers and staff being confined to their desks through no fault of their own, is a debacle and an embarrassment. The Full-Time Officers made public comment on the issue and wrote to all members last week providing advice. We will continue to support any member affected by delays in renewal.

While our focus last week was on resolving the immediate situation, we will now turn our attention to finding out how and why this fiasco occurred, so it is never repeated. The FTOs will write to the relevant Ministers demanding a full explanation of what took place and a review into how Ochre card applications and renewals are processed and monitored, by both SAFE NT and DoE.

Changes to the Teacher Registration Act
Changes to the Teacher Registration Act were introduced to the NT Parliament in February and will likely be approved in May. The development of legislation followed an extensive consultation process conducted by the Teacher Registration Board (TRB) with the AEU and other stakeholders since April last year. Our union has worked closely with the Independent Education Union to ensure our members’ voices and experiences were considered.

Above all, unions have sought to ensure that any changes to the Act maintain high standards and safeguards for the teaching profession while not imposing unfair or overly onerous requirements on teachers to maintain registration.

The changes are unlikely to impact significantly on most teachers, as the essential requirements of applying for and maintaining registration will remain largely unchanged.

New-look Territory Educator out now
We’re proud to have launched a revamped Territory Educator magazine with a more modern look this week. The Educator is posted to all members and is published online. It provides members with important updates about the work being done by the AEU NT on behalf of members. We are always interested in your feedback and welcome contributions from members on any topic.

Keep your details up-to-date
Have you moved house and/or workplaces since last year? Are you in a different role? Has your phone number changed? If so, please drop us a quick email to ensure your details are current.

Further information
Download this bulletin in PDF format