Member Bulletin Number 1 2019

Australian Education Union logo with map.

In this bulletin:

  • Welcome back… and welcome!
  • Moving ahead with EA implementation
  • Annual Conference registrations now open
  • Nominations sought for Board of Studies candidates
  • Sub-branch rep-training courses
  • Support staff get organised
  • Keep your details up-to-date

Welcome back… and welcome!
To all of you returning for 2019, I’d like to say a big welcome. As always this year is off to a busy start and no doubt you will have your head down getting on top of your responsibilities. I’d like to extend a special welcome to those teachers and staff joining us for the first time in the NT public education system.

I was invited to address the large intake of new teachers at orientation and was extremely impressed at the enthusiasm and professionalism of the many educators I spoke to. I was especially thrilled to welcome 86 of these teachers into the ranks of the AEU. Our membership continues to grow as our union secures more wins, and educators across the Territory realise the benefits of being part of a strong union. Our organisers and officers are lining up trips to schools and workplaces, including in Katherine, Alice Springs and Arnhem, so keep an eye out for a visit from the AEU NT team very soon!

The office will be publishing bulletins like this one regularly throughout the year – please take the time to have a quick read and keep in touch with all things AEU NT! As you can see from this bulletin, there are many opportunities to be involved, whether it’s as a Conference Delegate, a sub-branch rep or as a member of the Board of Studies.
Jarvis Ryan, President

Moving ahead with EA implementation
A major focus for our union this year is extending the gains secured in our successful enterprise bargaining campaign. We’ve already had an important victory with the Commissioner for Public Employment agreeing to extend the Teacher Permanency Strategy until the end of this year. This means classroom teachers who are employed on a fixed period contract are eligible for conversion to permanent status after 12 months.

In addition, we are moving forward with numerous projects in conjunction with the Department of Education arising from the new enterprise agreement. Working groups have been set up or will be established for the following projects:

  • Teacher Transfer Policy
  • Review of Principal Classifications
  • Review of Assistant Teacher Roles and Responsibilities
  • Review of Teacher Responsibilities Guide
  • Review of Teacher Probation
  • Review of Teacher in Charge of Preschool Allowance

Our priority is the finalisation of the teacher transfer policy. We will keep members updated on the progress of each. In most cases there is scope for AEU members to be involved in these projects – contact the office if you would like more information.

Annual Conference registrations now open
This year’s AEU NT annual conference will take place in Katherine on the May Day weekend (4-5 May). Each sub-branch is entitled to elect at least one Delegate to attend and participate, with costs met by the Branch. Conference is an invaluable opportunity to participate in union decision-making processes, network with colleagues from across the NT and develop new skills.

Registrations are now open and will close on Friday 22 March. Download a rego form at our website.

Nominations sought for Board of Studies candidates
The NT Board of Studies is responsible for providing advice on curriculum, assessment, reporting and certification for all students in the Northern Territory from Preschool to Year 12.

Five positions on the 11-person Board will become vacant on 30 June, and the Board is seeking nominees to fill those positions, one of which is for a teacher currently working in the NT “who has been nominated or endorsed by a body that represents the interests of teachers”.

The AEU NT invites expressions of interest from members who would like to serve on the Board as a union-endorsed candidate.

EOIs must be received by our office by Wednesday 20 February. To register your interest, send an email to [email protected] with “NTBOS expression of interest” in the subject line. In the accompanying email outline your history of membership and involvement in the AEU NT or other unions, as well as relevant teaching and curriculum expertise. It would also be helpful to provide an up-to-date CV.

Sub-branch rep-training courses
It’s important that every workplace has a functioning AEU sub-branch to communicate information and ensure consultation occurs. We ask that members in all workplaces meet at your earliest convenience to elect one or more sub-branch representatives, and to notify the office of the outcome.

Our officers will provide training to newly elected reps. A one-day training course for Darwin and Palmerston reps is set for Wednesday 20 March (rego deadline Tuesday 19 February). Further training is planned for reps in Katherine and Barkly. Contact the office to register your interest.

Support staff get organised
Classroom support staff such as SESOs and preschool assistants are eligible to be AEU members. Many employees aren’t aware of this, and more importantly these staff often aren’t aware of their rights at work. The AEU NT is holding a meeting of support staff members in Darwin and Palmerston on Thursday 21 February, 4.30pm at our office – 3/8 Totem Rd Coconut Grove. There will be a dial in option for members outside Darwin – email [email protected] for details.

Keep your details up-to-date
Have you moved house and/or workplaces since last year? Are you in a different role? Have your phone number of changed? If so, please drop us a quick email to ensure your details are current.

Further information
Download this bulletin in PDF format