Member Bulletin Number 2 2018

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In this bulletin:

  • Vale Tony Vanderwey
  • AEU nominee sought for Teacher Registration Board
  • Quality Educator Award – only one week remaining
  • Teacher enterprise bargaining – offer imminent
  • Conference set to be biggest ever
  • Consultation process underway for Department restructure
  • School Sport NT

Vale Tony Wanderwey

The AEU joins with the entire NT education community in expressing our condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Darwin teacher and AEU member Tony Vanderwey, who died tragically after a car accident over the Easter weekend. The many tributes flowing in from current and former colleagues, students and their families are a testament to how widely loved and respected he was.

As a teacher at Darwin Middle School since its inception, and prior to that at Taminmin College, Tony helped shape the lives of hundreds of young people in Darwin. He was highly esteemed by colleagues for his dedication and involvement in professional associations. His sudden passing is a tragedy and a great loss to education. Our deepest sympathies go to his family.

AEU nominee sought for Teacher Registration Board

The Teacher Registration Board is responsible for registering teachers, supporting the development of high-quality preservice teacher education programs, and advising on professional development programs for teachers. The Board must also investigate any complaints made to it about the professional standing and competence of teachers.

The AEU is entitled to nominate two members to sit on the Teacher Registration Board. The term of office of one of our nominees expires in October this year and the Board has requested we nominate a replacement by Friday 4 May. The successful nominee would be required to attend Board meetings throughout the year and abide by Board processes.

Accordingly, expressions of interest are sought from members who would like to join the Board as an AEU nominee for a four-year term. Please email a brief summary of: (1) your career profile, (2) membership and involvement with the AEU (or other teaching unions) and (3) your reason for seeking to become a member of the Board to [email protected] by Friday 27 April. Up to three candidates will be endorsed by our next Branch Executive meeting on Thursday 3 May and forwarded to the Board for consideration. More information is available on request.

Quality Educator Award – only one week remaining

We are still welcoming nominations for the AEU NT’s Quality Educator Award, our annual award to recognise a member for their outstanding contribution to NT public education. However be quick as nominations must be received by Thursday 12 April.

The award is open to all financial members: teachers, principals, assistant teachers, support staff, office-based educators & VET lecturers. The winner will receive a $1000 JB Hi-Fi voucher generously donated by Fleet Network and will be invited to receive the award at our annual Conference.

We know you all have a colleague who is doing exceptional work in our schools. Reward their hard work with a nomination for this awesome prize. Download the entry form from our website or email [email protected] and we’ll send you one. Nominations must be received by COB Thursday 12 April.

Teacher enterprise bargaining – offer imminent

After six months of intensive bargaining, we believe an offer for a new enterprise agreement from the Commissioner for Public Employment is imminent. What that means is all employees will shortly receive a detailed explanation of what the NT Government is planning to include in the agreement, as well as access to a full copy of the draft agreement.

AEU officers will also be free to discuss with members and sub-branches the merits and shortcomings of the offer. The AEU’s process is that our Executive and annual Conference (see below) will both discuss the offer and make a democratic decision on whether to endorse it. We will aim to provide more information to members next week.

Conference set to be biggest ever

We are very excited to announce that this year’s annual Conference will be the largest in our history for the second year in a row, with 112 members registered to attend from 70 sub-branches.

As we are expecting an offer from the government for a new enterprise agreement for teachers shortly, the conference will enable a broad cross-section of our membership to determine the offer should be endorsed and, if not, what improvements we will seek and what actions we might ask members to undertake.

The Conference agenda and proposals will be circulated to delegates and sub-branches today. Travel and accommodation arrangements are being made for delegates from outside Darwin, so if you are registered to attend keep an eye on your emails for more information.

Consultation process underway for Department restructure

As you will be aware, the Department released a new four-year Education NT strategy late in 2017. A central part of this strategy is the Department’s plan to realign its corporate functions to better support schools.

AEU and CPSU officials have been consulted this week on a formal Management of Change process that will be rolled out to affected business units in the next three weeks. We have been assured changes are not intended to produce budget savings but to re-focus these parts of the Department to help schools and be lined up with new departmental strategy.

AEU officers would like to hear from members of the impacted units to ensure we can tie together views and make sure your voice is heard in the consultation process.

School Sport NT

The team at School Sport NT have asked us to promote their program with the aim of enlisting more teachers to volunteer in making school sport happen across all regions of the Territory.

School Sport NT are focusing on maximising opportunity and equity for ALL students. They cannot do this without your help. Each of our regions need the help and support of many volunteers every year. Volunteer positions are open to teachers and non-teachers.

To find out how you can support our students, please contact your region’s School Sport Coordinator:

Alice Springs: Tahlia Rutherford [email protected]

Arnhem: Brandon Bull [email protected]

Barkly: Pam Dillon [email protected]

Darwin: Hannah Roll [email protected]

Katherine: Glenn Hayles [email protected]

Palmerston and Rural: Lucas Hayden [email protected]

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