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Take your temperature with wellbeing survey

Members are encouraged to participate in a departmental survey designed to better understand and promote teacher wellbeing.

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Unravelling the Ochre Card debacle

The AEU NT has demanded answers from government agencies over the Ochre card debacle that saw teachers confined to desks due to a bureaucratic bungle.

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Member Bulletin Number 3 2019

In this bulletin:
• Ochre card update
• Permanency Project continues
• NTPS staffing cap
• Conference registration deadline – only ...

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Nominations open for Women’s Officer election

Election notice: nominations have opened as of Monday 11 March for the position of Women’s Officer on the AEU NT Branch Executive.

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Check out our new look Territory Educator!

We’ve revamped our Territory Educator magazine for 2019! Have a read! This issue features articles on the federal election and school funding, workload pressures for ...

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Member Bulletin Number 2 2019

In this bulletin:
• Conference registrations – 2nd and final notice
• Quality Educator Award
• Ochre cards
• Changes to ...

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Changes to Teacher Registration Act

Changes to the Teacher Registration Act were introduced to the NT Parliament in February and will likely be passed in May.

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2019 AEU Quality Educator Award Nominations

Nominations are open for the AEU NT’s Quality Educator Award, an annual award presented at our Branch Conference to recognise one member’s outstanding contribution to ...

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Women’s Officer election notice 2019

Election notice: nominations will open on Monday 11 March for the position of Women’s Officer on the AEU NT Branch Executive.