Member Bulletin Number 1 2021

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In this bulletin:

  • Welcome to 2021 – bargaining to win
  • Branch Conference – registrations open next week
  • Welcoming new members
  • Union elections – ballot deadline extended

Welcome to 2021 – bargaining to win
Welcome back to all for what will be an active year for our union. Our main focus this year will be enterprise bargaining, with new agreements to be negotiated for all DoE members as well as BIITE employees.

Bargaining for AEU members covered by the general agreement (such as school support staff, trade trainers and psychologists) will commence next month. Bargaining for members covered by the teacher EA will commence in May.

Over the next several weeks the union office will be issuing a survey to members as well as holding meetings with sub-branches to better understand your key issues. We urge you to participate to make sure your concerns are heard. This process will shape the final log of claims which union officers will table with the employer when formal bargaining begins.

Branch Conference – registrations open next week
This year’s annual Conference will take place in Alice Springs over the May Day weekend (1-2 May). This year’s Conference will endorse our final log of claims for teacher enterprise bargaining, so we encourage sub-branches to be pro-active in electing delegates and putting forward matters for consideration. Registrations will open next week and will be accepted via a new online process. The deadline for sub-branch motions and delegate registrations is Friday 19 March.

Welcoming new members
This year we have had a large intake of new teachers with 200 inductees attending teacher orientation. Many signed up with the AEU last week – welcome to our new members. Our Project Officers will be focusing our efforts in coming weeks on signing up both new employees as well as veterans. Every member can assist with this – please take a moment to talk to a colleague about the importance of union membership. The easiest way to sign up is online:

Union elections – ballot deadline extended
If you haven’t already voted in the elections for our Branch Executive, the deadline for postal ballots to be received by the Returning Officer has been extended until 10am, Wednesday 24 February. This extension was granted by the AEC to ensure that members who did not receive their ballot before the end of the 2020 school year would still have an opportunity to vote. Only those members who were financial as of the close of the roll in November are eligible to vote. If you have any questions regarding the process, contact the Branch Office or the AEC Returning Officer via [email protected].

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