Potential 4hr Strike Nov 17th

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Firstly, the AEU NT sincerely thanks you and acknowledges the commitment and solidarity you have shown throughout this campaign. Thanks to your actions, bargaining has re-commenced. We have LOST THE FREEZE, and now it is time to KEEP OUR TEACHERS. Our team is working hard and constructively towards an offer that recognises the increased cost of living pressures and keeps us the highest paid in the country.

We are hoping that in the coming days the OCPE will present an offer that the AEU can endorse. However, we have notified them of potential 4 hour STRIKE from 9am-1pm next Thursday 17 November in solidarity with our union allies for theNTPS Territory-Wide Day of Action. This will reserve us the right to act if we do not receive an offer consistent with what teachers deserve. We will be back in contact early next week to give you an update on this. In the meantimeSAVE THE DATE!

We know you want to see results from this campaign. We thank you for your patience and assure you that we are committed to fighting for both a speedy resolution and a fair result, not one or the other. Your ongoing support of Protected Action supports these aims.

We know that many of you will have plenty of questions about the state of bargaining, and extraneous elements that may be affected by a strike like Year 12 assessments/exams and NT School Sports Netball Championships. For answers to these questions (and any others as they arise) please head to our website: http://aeunt.org.au/keepourteachers/17november/ .

Thank you for standing with us. We will keep you updated as things progress over the next week. It’s crunch time (not just for our year 12s)!