Member Resources
Culture & Living

Culture & Living Links

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

This site brings together everything the Northern Territory Government (NTG) has gathered about the most effective ways to engage with people in remote communities.

The work of ARDS (Aboriginal Resource Development Service) champions the importance of language and culture in developing self-determination for Aboriginal people.

Cultural Awareness sessions are provided through the Hosts Program at Larrakia Nation. The sessions offer people a chance to learn about Larrakia culture, the impact of colonisation on people and culture and how we can work together in the future.

Intercultural communication is pivotal in connecting people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This three-hour workshop explores concepts and processes that support intercultural communication and facilitate the co-construction of shared understandings.

The course explores cross-cultural communications and introduces the concept of cultural safety and Indigenous cultures in Central Australia.

Many Aboriginal adults and children in central Australia are speakers of one or more Aboriginal languages as their mother tongue. They may or may not speak Standard Australian English (SAE), that is, the form of English that is taught in schools and used in the media.

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