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Public schools depend on fundraising and teacher contributions for basics

​Australian public school teachers are regularly forced to dip into their own pockets for basic supplies, and schools are reliant on fundraising to provide essentials ...

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PISA results show why we need equity in schools funding

​AEU media release: Australia’s continuing decline in the PISA international school test results shows the urgent need for investment in disadvantaged schools.

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Turnbull’s funding plan will favour private schools

If you thought Malcolm Turnbull had any commitment to needs-based funding for schools, think again. A new analysis by education funding expert, Dr Jim McMorrow, ...

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A new dawn for education funding and policy in the NT

The AEU NT congratulates Michael Gunner and the Labor Party on a decisive election victory. ...

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After the election, the Gonski fight continues

The AEU will not let up in our campaign for equitable school funding, writes Federal President Correna Haythorpe
Malcolm Turnbull will remain as Prime ...

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School funding and the federal election

With voting now underway for the federal election, it is important to look closely at the commitments of the major parties on education. Malcolm Turnbull ...

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Enrol to vote and have your say on July 2

Make sure you’re enrolled to vote and have your say at the federal election on July 2

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Turnbull abandons Gonski

We now have a clear choice between the major parties on Gonski after Malcolm Turnbull announced at the weekend he would not deliver Gonski in ...

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Gonski: a wasted opportunity for NT schools?

The Turnbull Government tried to use the Christmas period to quietly drop the news that it wouldn’t commit to funding years five and six of ...