2019 Branch Executive elections: nominations open

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Nominations are open from Monday 22 July until 4.30pm (ACST) Wednesday 21 August 2018 for various positions on the AEU NT’s Branch Executive. Nominations must be in writing, comply with AEU Rules and be lodged with the AEC Returning Officer (not the AEU).

Nominations are open for the following positions on Branch Executive:

  • Branch Secretary
  • Darwin Executive Councillors
  • Palmerston Executive Councillors
  • Katherine Executive Councillors
  • Alice Springs Executive Councillors
  • Arnhem Executive Councillors 
  • Barkly Executive Councillor 

The Branch Executive is the AEU NT’s governing body when the annual Branch Conference is not in session. It meets at least six times per year and manages the union’s finances, endorses policies and actions, and guides the actions of the union between Branch Conferences. You can find out more about our governing structure here.

Members of Executive are asked to attend at least six meetings of Branch Executive each year, as well as Branch Conference. Release from ordinary duties is arranged where required and, although these positions are unpaid, all costs associated with carrying out the duties of the role are met by the union.

The term of office for all positions is two years, with the successful candidates commencing their terms of office in January 2020. The exception being the Branch Secretary position. 

Further information in relation to these positions can be found here .


How to nominate
Should you be interested in nominating for a position and would like more information about what the role entails, contact the Branch Secretary, Adam Lampe, on 08 8948 5399.

Candidates for the positions must fill out and submit the attached nomination form below.

More information
Download the election notice  and nomination form.