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AEU opposes NAPLAN online as teachers raise concerns

MEDIA RELEASE: The Australian Education Union has called on all state and territory education ministers to abandon the rollout of NAPLAN online and engage in ...

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Teach for Australia is a failing, expensive program

MEDIA RELEASE: the AEU has called on the Trunbull Government to cease funding the expensive and inefficient Teach for Australia program.

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Teachers’ log of claims for enterprise bargaining submitted

​The union has submitted our log of claims to the Commissioner for Public Employment. The log contains the claims we intend to pursue in enterprise ...

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Branch elections: AEU NT Branch Executive

Nominations are currently open for various positions on the AEU NT’s Branch Executive, our governing body between annual Conferences.

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Focus on improving education at Garma 2017

The Education Forum at the 2017 Garma Festival brought together speakers to discuss pathways to improving education for Indigenous students.

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Branch elections: TAFE Federal Conference representative

Nominations are currently open for position of Federal Conference Delegate representing TAFE Division members in the Tasmanian, Australian Capital Territory & Northern Territory Branches.

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Suspension list stigmatises public schools

​The NT News has published data showing the number of students suspended in NT public schools. We do not believe naming and shaming public schools ...

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Secretary casual vacancy post-election report notice

The post-election report for the completed casual vacancy process for electing a new Secretary is now available.

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Member Bulletin Number 2 2017

In this bulletin:
Why we still need to give a Gonski
Enterprise bargaining commencing this week
Official Travel Policy