Member Bulletin Number 12 2020

President Jarvis Ryan explains the wage freeze and what it means in one minute 

In this bulletin:

  • NT budget: say no to a 4-year pay freeze
  • Branch Executive elections – ballot opens 30 November

NT budget: say no to a 4-year pay freeze
We were expecting this week’s budget to announce that annual pay rises would be restricted to $1000 for the next four years, based on the recommendations of the 2018 Langoulant report.

What we were not expecting was a PAY FREEZE for teachers and all other public sector workers for the next four years. Instead of a wage increase, eligible public servants will receive an “annual retention bonus” of $1000. The $1000 will be taxed as a lump sum. Current pay grades will not move one cent.

In simple terms, if you’re a CT9, an ST1 or an A03 on the top increment, you will be on the same salary in 2025 as you are now.

In education, the freeze will impact most on lowly paid support staff and assistant teachers. It will also mean NT teachers over the next four years will go from being the best paid in the country to among the worst.

The wage freeze will send pay backwards in real terms when inflation is factored in. The budget projects inflation over the coming year to be 1.1%, rising in the outlying years of the forward estimates to 2.5%.

The pay freeze will jeopardise efforts to recruit and retain teaching staff, as other jurisdictions such as Victoria and the ACT offer salary increases of up to 3% per annum.

This harsh wage freeze was kept secret from the public and from the public servants who voted overwhelmingly to return Michael Gunner to government. Now, with the election over, he has sprung this wage freeze on us.

Our union will not lay down and accept a four-year wage freeze. We will mobilise members in enterprise bargaining and fight for a fair and reasonable pay increase for Territory teachers and educators.

To beat this freeze, we will need to be strong and united. If you have a colleague who is not an AEU member, this is the time to talk to them about the importance of joining our union.

Union members deserve better and together we can fight for a fair offer.

Branch Executive elections – ballot opens 30 November
Nominations for AEU NT Branch Executive closed on Monday 9 November. Elections will take place for the following positions:

  • Branch President
  • Vice-President (General Division)
  • Vice-President (TAFE Division)
  • Treasurer
  • Women’s Officer

We encourage members to vote in these elections to have your say in determining the AEU NT’s Branch leadership team. The elections will be conducted by postal ballot, commencing on Monday 30 November and closing on 11 January 2021.

All candidates will be provided with the opportunity to submit a photo and statement and these will be distributed to members via a special bulletin before the opening of the ballot.

Postal ballots will be sent to financial members at the postal address recorded on the AEU NT database. If you wish to check or update your postal address, you should contact the AEU office ASAP. Alternatively, you may wish to liaise directly with the AEC Returning Officer via [email protected]

Further information
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