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NTG agrees to phase out attendance-based funding

Click here to read about the review of the NT’s inequitable ‘effective enrolment’ funding formula.

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 12 2020

In this bulletin:
• NT budget: say no to a 4-year pay freeze
• Branch Executive elections – ballot opens 30 November

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 11 2020

In this bulletin:
• School funding for 2021
• Some good news on infrastructure
• School term dates consultation
• Union ...

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Alekarenge: the school Australia forgot

The predicament of Alekarenge school highlights the problems with a lack of school infrastructure spending.

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 5 2019

In this bulletin:
• Federal election – change the government
• NT Budget shows pressure on education funding
• Annual Conference a ...

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 4 2019

In this bulletin:
• Federal Budget bad for NT public schools
• Branch Conference set to be big
• Quality Educator Award ...

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Crunch time on school funding

The future of the Territory’s public schools is on the line at the federal election, writes Branch President Jarvis Ryan

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Clear choice on education policy

Recent announcements by the Labor Party on schools funding, early childhood and TAFE highlight differences between the major parties.

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Canberra farce continues

Although we have a new Prime Minister, when it comes to education funding, nothing’s changed, writes Branch President Jarvis Ryan.