NT Branch

Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 7 2019

In this bulletin:
• New Territory Educator out now – updates on principal pay freeze, Katherine teacher housing subsidy and more
• AEU ...

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2019 AEU NT elections update: ballot opens 13 September

Update on AEU NT 2019 elections – postal ballot elections will commence on Friday 13 September for contested positions.

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2019 Branch Elections – Federal Delegates (Various positions) – Nominations open.

Nominations are open from Thursday 1 July until 4.30pm (ACST) Thursday 21 August 2019 for various positions representing the AEU NT at the Federal/National level. ...

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2019 Branch Executive elections: nominations open

Consider nominating for various positions on the AEU NT’s Branch Executive, our governing body between annual Conferences.

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Katherine Regional Councillor election result

Declaration of results for the Katherine Regional Councillor casual vacancy election.

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Women’s Officer election result

Declaration of results and post-election report for the Women’s Officer election.

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Nominations open for Women’s Officer election

Election notice: nominations have opened as of Monday 11 March for the position of Women’s Officer on the AEU NT Branch Executive.

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Women’s Officer election notice 2019

Election notice: nominations will open on Monday 11 March for the position of Women’s Officer on the AEU NT Branch Executive.

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Results of 2018 Branch Executive elections

Announcing the successful candidates in our 2018 elections; post-election report.