Member Resources
Role Conditions

Assistant Teachers

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Assistant Teachers play an essential role within our Northern Territory Education system.

ATs are Indigenous staff employed to assist with teaching programs in the classroom, who under-take further study as a condition of employment.

We protect each other!

Teachers and Assistant Teachers working in schools are supported by our Union whenever they need help or assistance. You can call our Union and speak to someone privately about work issues , workers compensation and legal issues.

We are stronger together!

The more we stand united the less we can be pushed around. Our Union is fighting for better wages and conditions for all teachers!

You are one of almost 2000 teachers when you join your Union and stand with us.

We have always worked together!

Australian Unions have been fighting alongside First Australians for over 100 years. In 1911 Un-ions and Aboriginal workers went on strike for equal pay. In 1965 the North Australian Workers Union supported Vincent Lingiari strike for Na-tive Title Rights.

Do Assistant Teachers have salary increment levels?

Yes, levels AT1—AT5.

The AEU NT is involved in all Department of Education reviews of working conditions and pay.

There is currently work underway to improve career pathway progressions for Assistant Teachers.

Classification LevelAmount $
AT156 455
AT261 486
AT365 860
AT472 831
AT578 511

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