
Australian Education Union logo with map.

Member Bulletin Number 1 2019

• Welcome back… and welcome!
• Moving ahead with EA implementation
• Annual Conference registrations now open
• Nominations sought for Board ...

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Registrations open for 2019 Conference

Registrations are open until Friday 22 March to register as a delegate for our 2019 annual Conference.

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Member Bulletin Number 6 2018

In this bulletin:
• Message from the President
• Funding deal leaves Territory public schools further behind
• Office opening hours during ...

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Stratified workforce perpetuates inequities

A report by our Branch into the working conditions of Indigenous staff in remote communities revealed significant disadvantage. We have put forward a number of ...

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Territory Educator T4 2018 edition available now

The Term 4, 2018 edition of our Branch magazine the Territory Educator has been published. Read it online here.

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Responding to NT News attacks on the TRB

President Jarvis Ryan responds to the NT News’ recent reporting on the Teacher Registration Board.

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Clear choice on education policy

Recent announcements by the Labor Party on schools funding, early childhood and TAFE highlight differences between the major parties.

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Teachers going above and beyond

On World Teachers Day, President Jarvis Ryan pays tribute to our teachers and educators.

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Education unions’ joint stand on safety

The AEU NT Branch has collaborated with the IEU to produce a joint submission to the NT Government’s review of work health and safety practices.
