Australian Education Union - NT Branch

Voice of education Northern Territory

We represent and advocate for all teaching staff in public education, as well as many support workers. We fight for the rights of our members at work, and for the right of every child to access a high quality public education.

Member Resources

Find guides, factsheets, and more.​
Solid purple background image.

Nomination Now Open for NT Branch Officer Positions

E2024-70 AEU NT – Nomination Form E2024-70 AEU NT – Election Notice   Australian Education Union – Northern Territory Branch ...
Conference attendees voting at a meeting.

Bargaining Update: Formal Offer for a new NTPS Education Agreement

The employer has now put a formal offer for a new renamed Northern Territory Educators Agreement. While we have reached ...
Solid purple background image.

Nominations sought for AEU Federal Committee Election E2024/87

  Nominations are called for: Northern Territory Branch Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Federal Conference Delegate (1) National TAFE Council ...
Australian Education Union logo with map.

2023 Audited Financial Statement

The 2023 audited financial statements of the AEU NT are now available to view on application to the Branch Secretary, Rachael Metcalfe at [email protected]
Colorful sticky notes with handwritten words.

Member Bulletin 2/2024 (April)

In this bulletin: Enterprise Bargaining Update Recent Announcements: School Funding and Secondary Review Union Shopper – mid April launch 2024 ...
AEU NT magazine cover promoting education funding.

Territory Educator Term 1 2024 Edition

Magazine Of The Australian Education Union – NT Branch. See AEU efforts regarding full funding of NT public schools, plus read on for: Must I ...
for every child launch

National Campaign Launch

Michelle and Brian attended the Campaign Launch in Canberra, along with Stephen Nimmo (your NT rep to the AEU Federal Principals Committee).
Hand casting vote into ballot box, democracy concept.

AEU Federal Election E2023/169

This election is a call for nominations to the AEU Federal Executive. Only elected members of the AEU NT Branch Executive are eligible for nomination ...


AEU Federal Election E2023/169

This election is a call for nominations to the AEU Federal Executive. Only elected members of the AEU NT Branch Executive are eligible for nomination ...

member bulletin square

Member Bulletin: Term 4, Week 10 2023

A final update for the year on recent AEU NT work, issues arising and wins for members around permanency, the continuing myth of 4:21, handling ...

End of Term 3
Start of Term 4
  • Branch Executive
AEU NT Branch Executive (Zoom) meeting
Teachers, Assistant Teacher’s and Non-Contract Principals Enterprise Agreement 2021-2024 expires
Three professionals discussing at union meeting.

Bargaining: NTPS Educator’s Enterprise Agreement

We are your representatives in negotiations with the Commissioner for Public Employment for a new Enterprise Agreement covering Classroom Teachers (inc Senior Teachers and Relief ...
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for every child poster

For Every Child

We are working hard with our Federal colleagues and AEU branches across the nation to see every child in Australia receive full funding for a ...
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AEU NT education funding policy strategy poster.

Funding For Success

1 in 5 students in NT Public Schools receive NO funding according to student need. The impact of the NT Government’s attendance-based ‘Effective Enrolment’ funding ...
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We represent all teachers in public education and have the right to represent many education support workers.

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