NT Branch

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Branch elections: TAFE Federal Conference representative

Nominations are currently open for position of Federal Conference Delegate representing TAFE Division members in the Tasmanian, Australian Capital Territory & Northern Territory Branches.

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Secretary casual vacancy post-election report notice

The post-election report for the completed casual vacancy process for electing a new Secretary is now available.

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Candidate statements for Branch Secretary election

Candidate statements for the three nominees for the position of Branch Secretary are attached.

Australian Education Union (NT Branch)

Nominations open for Branch Secretary casual vacancy

​Nominations are open from 4 April 2017 until 4 May to fill a casual vacancy for the position of the AEU NT Branch Secretary.

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Resignation of Anita Jonsberg as Branch Secretary

Anita Jonsberg has resigned as Secretary of the AEU NT Branch. She issued the following message to all members.

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Congratulations to successful candidates in AEU NT Branch 2016 elections

​The 2016 Branch elections are complete. Congratulations to the successful candidates.

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Voting is now open for AEU NT Branch elections

Voting is currently open for elections to the AEU NT Branch Executive, our union’s governing body between annual conferences.